Historical and Commemorative
Collection of Benjamin Weiss
INAUGURATION OF THE STATUE OF GODEFROY DE BOUILLON HART, Laurent Joseph: Belgium, 1848, Bronze, 72 mm Godefroy de Bouillon (1061-1100), Duke of Basse
Lorraine, marquis of Anvers and duke of Bouillon, was born in Baisy, the
second son of Eustace II, count of Boulogne, and Ida, daughter of Duke
Godefroy II, count of Lower Lorraine. He is known primarily for his role
as one of the leaders of the first crusade. Godefroy accepted the request of Urbain
II to liberate Christ's grave. He sold his castle, and in 1096 set off at
the head of one of the four first crusade's army, a body of perhaps as
many as 15,000 crusaders, made up of the Knights from the Meuse and lower
Rhine. In 1099, after a trying journey, Jerusalem was conquered and
Godefroy was the first to tread on its walls. Godefroy refused to be
appointed as King of Jerusalem, as was offered him, but agreed to become
Attorney of the Holy Sepulcher. One of his accomplishments was to defend
against the Turkish (or Egyptian?) attack in Ashkelon in 1099. He died in
Jerusalem in 1100. Because he had been the first crusader ruler of
Jerusalem, after his death several legends developed around him, one of
which was that his sword attended Jeanne d'Arc in her campaigns. Further,
his grandfather was said to be Helias, knight of the Swan, one of the
brothers whose adventures are found in the tale of "The Seven
Swans", on which Wagner's opera Lohengrin is based. LINK to 16th century Statue of Godefroy de Bouillon (from wikipedia) LINK to photo of Statue of Godefroy de Bouillon in Place Royale in Brussels (from wikipedia)