and Commemorative Medals
Collection of Benjamin Weiss
HENRY III DASSIER, Jean: England, 1731, Bronze, 41 mm Henry III (1207-1272) (King of England from 1216 to 1272)
was the elder son and heir to John, who died when Henry was 9 years old.
Although he gained the throne in 1216, Henry did not actually rule until
1227. His abuses of royal power conflicted with the Magna Carta, and this,
coupled with the influence of foreigners on his administration, antagonized
the nobles. He was forced to accept the Provisions of Oxford and
Westminister, which gave more power to his councillors. However, he
renounced the provisions in 1261, provoking the Barons’ War. The leader of
the barons, Simon de Montfort, captured Henry at Lewes in 1264 and took
control. However, Henry’s son, the future Edward I, defeated Montfort at the
Battle of Evesham in 1265 and effectively ruled on his father’s behalf
thereafter. (O’ Brien)