Historical and
Commemorative Medals
Collection of Benjamin Weiss
ROETTIERS, J.C. / MAUGER, J.: France, ca.1715, Silver, 41 mm While Louis was king, France was involved in a series of
wars. As a result of the
king’s marriage in 1725 to Marie Leszcynska, France
took part in the War of the Polish Succession, eventually obtaining the
duchy of Lorraine. Louis also involved France in the War of the Austrian
Succession against Austria and, after a switch of alliances that realigned
France with Austria, in the Seven Years War. The Treaty of Paris, ending the
Seven Years War, marked the loss of most of France’s colonial empire and a
low point in French prestige on the Continent. Throughout the reign of Louis XV, the aristocracy
asserted more influence, and the upper bourgeoisie gained more financial
power. The country knew general prosperity, but the government was near
bankruptcy because of its extravagances. The apathy of Louis XV in the face
of these problems found expression in the saying "Après moi le déluge"
[after me, the flood], wrongly attributed to the king himself. The failure
of the monarchy to solve its fiscal difficulties led directly to the French
Revolution during the reign of Louis’ successor, his grandson Louis XVI. (From The
Columbia Encyclopedia) LINK to
Biography of Louis
XV (from Wikipedia) LINK to portrait of
XV in Coronation Robes by Hyacinthe Rigaud (from Wikipedia)