Historical and Commemorative
Collection of Benjamin Weiss
MADELEINE DE CREQUY, MARESCHALE DE FRANCE WARIN, Claude: France, 1651, Bronze, 103 mm Madeleine de Crequy (1609-1675), grand-daughter of the Mareschal de Lesdiguieres, and daughter of Charles and Madeleine de Bonne, married Nicolas de Neufville, Mareschal de Villeroy in 1617. (Jones) CREQUY, a French family which originated in Picardy, took its name from a small lordship in the present Pas-de-Calais. Its genealogy goes back to the 10th century, and from it originated the noble houses of Blécourt, Canaples, Heilly and Royon. Henri de Créquy was killed at the siege of Damietta in 1240; Jacques de Créquy, marshal of Guienne, was killed at Agincourt with his brothers Jean and Raoul; Jean de Créquy, lord of Canaples, was in the Burgundian service, and took part in the defense of Paris against Joan of Arc in 1429, received the order of the Golden Fleece in 1431, and was ambassador to Aragon and France; Antoine de Créquy was one of the boldest captains of Francis I., and died in consequence of an accident at the siege of Hesdin in 1523. Jean VIII., sire de Créquy, prince de Poix, seigneur de Canaples (d. 1555), left three sons, the eldest of whom, Antoine de Créquy (1535—1574), inherited the family estates on the death of his brothers at St Quentin in 1557. He was raised to the cardinalate, and his nephew, and heir, Antoine de Blanchefort, assumed the name and arms of Créquy. Charles I de Blanchefort, marquis de Créquy, prince de Poix, duc de Lesdiguiêres (1578—1638), marshal of France, son of Antoine de Blanchefort, saw his first fighting before Laon in 1594, and was wounded at the capture of Saint Jean d’Angély in 1621. In the next year he became a marshal of France. He served through the Piedmontese campaign in aid of Savoy in 1624 as second in command to the constable, François de Bonne, duc de Lesdiguiêres, whose daughter Madeleine he had married in 1595. (from Encyclopedia.org). Charles I de Blanchefort and Madeleine de Bonne were the parents of Madeleine de Crequy, the subject of this medal.