Historical and Commemorative
Collection of Benjamin Weiss
JOHANN FRIEDRICH THE MAGNANIMOUS, ELECTOR OF SAXONY MILICZ, Wolf: Germany, 1536, Silver, 43 mm The ensuing enmity helped split Germany's Protestant princes. When the Emperor defeated the Schmalkaldic League at the Battle of Mühlberg (1547) with the aid of Maurice, the electorate was granted to the Albertines. Johann Friedrich, wounded and taken prisoner, was condemned to death but saved himself by acquiescing to electoral and territorial losses. He refused to compromise on religious issues, however, and enjoined his sons to refuse peace with Maurice. In 1552, during a war between the Emperor and Maurice, Johann Friedrich was freed. After the death of Maurice (1553), he hoped to regain the electorship but was disappointed when Maurice's successor Augustus was granted the title. Considered a martyr of Protestantism, Johann Friedrich continued to enjoy the respect of his people and fellow princes until his death. (From Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.) The medal was made on commission of the Elector Karl Theodor from the Pfalz. See also other medal of Johann Friedrich from the workshop of Hans Reinhart. LINK to Portrait of Johann Friedrich the Magnanimous (from National Gallery) LINK to Biography of Johann Friedrick (from Wikipedia)