Historical and Commemorative
Collection of Benjamin Weiss
LIVIA DORIA CARAFA, PRINCESS OF ROCCELLA PERGER, Bernhard: Italy, 1779, Bronze, 73 mm This medal commemorates the death of Livia Doria Carafa, Princess of Roccella, who died in February 1779 at the age of 34. It was commissioned by her husband Vincenzo Carafa di Roccella. The German medallist Bernhard Perger modeled the obverse based on studies of the marble bust of the princess, sculpted by Giuseppe Sanmartino. Roccella is a town located on the Ionian Sea in Calabria, southern Italy. It is thought to have been built on the site of the ancient Greek settlement of Amphissa, hence the reference to Amphissiensivm in the legend on the obverse of the medal. LINK to Livia Doria Carafa (from ilportaledelsud.org) (In Italian) LINK to Livia Doria Carafa (from ilportaledelsud.org) (In English) |