Historical and Commemorative
Collection of Benjamin Weiss
RESTORATION OF PEACE AT GENEVA DASSIER, Jean: Swiss, 1738, Bronze, 55 mm In the eighteenth century, Geneva had developed a system of government whereby its inhabitants were divided into three classes: the citizens by birth, who were entitled to citizenship and who were eligible to all offices; the bourgeois, who were able to attend the great council but who could not be members of the small, executive council nor hold public office; and the householders or commoners , who had no rights to citizenship whatsoever. At a certain point dissatisfaction towards this form of government emerged, the bourgeois and citizens revolted, and disorder broke out. This medal commemorates the quelling of such disorders and the restoration of harmony in Geneva. (from Thompson) See also the medal by Jean Duvivier, Peace of Geneva, which commemorates the same event. |