Historical and
Commemorative Medals
Collection of Benjamin Weiss
ARCHBISHOP WILLIAM WAKE DASSIER, Jean: England, 1725, Bronze, 43 mm William Wake (1657-1737) was educated at Oxford and,
through a succession of appointments, became Archbishop of Canterbury in
1716. He was the author of several theological works and many volumes of
sermons. Wake was also a numismatist and an ardent collector of medals,
including those by Jean Dassier. He was particularly impressed with the
special nature of Dassier's medallic work, noting that previously the most
elegant and ingenious monuments had been erected to princes and heros whose
atrocious deeds had brought about the ruination of nations and peoples. By
contrast, to Dassier's great credit, he had chosen to commemorate those men
who were accomplished in the arts and sciences, and in particular those who
had employed their talent for the glory of God. (Eisler). |