Historical and
Commemorative Medals
COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF REFERENCES (Many of these books have been digitized: Click here for a link to a Digital Library of Medals)
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* Entries marked with an asterisk (*) are part of the Library of Benjamin Weiss
In an attempt to make this list useful to a variety of collectors, the beginner as well as those more experienced collectors of medallic art, I have broken down the books into different categories, including: General Reference Books, Subject, Country, Medalist, Persons, and General Collections of Medals. There is also a short list of auction catalogues I have found particularly useful. The list is by no means comprehensive but rather serves as a compilation of those books with which I have personal knowledge and which I happen to prefer.
The Commemorative Medal -- Its Appreciation and Collection. David
and Charles, l974. Forrer, L., Biographical
Dictionary of Medallists- Vol. 1-8. Original Edition published in
London (1902-1930). Reprinted by Spinks (1965) and by Franklin, New York
(1970). Third reprint and revised Volume I published by A. H. Baldwin
and Sons and A. G. van der Dussen (1980) printed by Cultura Press,
Belgium. Europese Penningen: 2500 Europese
Medailles, A Catalogue of 2500 European Medals. Published in Amstelveen,
The Netherlands,1983. Jones, M., The Art of the
British Museum Publications Ltd., London 1979. Jones, M. (Ed.), Designs on
Posterity: Drawings for medals, The British Art Medal Trust,
Llanfyllin, Powys, 1994. Scher, S.K., The Currency
Publishers in association with the Frick Collection, New York, 1994.
MEDAL BOOKS BY SUBJECT OR TYPE ARCHITECTURAL MEDALS Ross, Michael, Jacques Wiener's Most Remarkable Edifices of Europe The Man, Monuments, and Medals. The American Numismatic Society. New York, 2019. Michael Ross’ book on Jacques Wiener’s Most Remarkable Edifices of Europe: The Man, Monuments, and Medals is simply put, Superb. The book is a monument in itself, covering in great detail all the medals and varieties of Wiener’s wonderful works depicting Europe’s finest buildings, which include cathedrals, mosques and a synagogue. This book not only provides all the information one would expect in a fine catalog of medals, such as lovely images, legends and other details of these pieces, but also affords the reader an interesting and comprehensive description of the history of each subject. Ross’ work far surpasses those of any others on this subject and will surely remain the standard reference work in the field.
Eidlitz, Robert James , Medals
and Medallions Relating to Architects. New York, l927. Taylor, Jeremy , The
Architectural Medal England in the Nineteenth Century. Published by
British Museum Publication Ltd., London l978. COLUMBIAN MEDALS Eglit, N.A., Columbiana.
Published by author, printed by Hewitt Brothers, Chicago. INDIAN PEACE MEDALS Prucha, F.P., Indian
Peace Medals in American History. University of Nebraska Press,
Lincoln, l971.
Belden, Bauman L. ,
Indian Peace Medals Issued in the United States 1789-1889. N.
Flayderman & Co., New Milford, Connecticut (Publisher), 1966. ITALIAN BAROQUE MEDALS Vannel, F. and Toderi, G.,
La Medaglia Barocca in Toscanna. Studio per Edizioni Scelte,
Firenze, l987. Johnson, Velia , Dieci
Anni di Studi di Medaglistica 1968-78. Edizioni Stabilimento Stefano
Johnson s.p.a., Milano, l979. JUDAIC MEDALS Friedenberg, Daniel M., Jewish Medals from the Renaissance to the Fall of Napoleon. Interesting and learned work on medals related to Jews and Jewish history by the Dean of Judaic Numismatics and former Curator of Coins and Medals for The Jewish Museum. The book has a particularly engrossing chapter on anti-Semitic Medals as it reveals the long-standing history of state-sponsored anti-Semitism. Friedenberg, D.M. (Ed.), Great
Jewish Portraits in Metal. Selected Plaques and Medals from the Samuel
Friedenberg Collection of the Jewish Museum. Schocken Books, U.S.A.
Weiss, B.,
Medals as Instruments for Promoting Anti-Semitic Bigotry,
Artwis.com, Kunstpedia Foundation, The Netherlands, 2015. MEDICAL MEDALS Freeman, S.E., Medals Related to Medicine and Allied Sciences in the Numismatic Collection of The Johns Hopkins University. The Evergreen House Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland, 1964. The most widely quoted and authoritative catalogue on medals related to medicine and its allied sciences. The book contains brief biographical sketches of the physicians and scientists depicted on the medals. Although not every medal is pictured, it is nevertheless the most useful reference book in its field. RENAISSANCE MEDALS For pure enjoyment see Scher, The Currency of Fame: PORTRAIT MEDALS OF THE RENAISSANCE. (See above) Hill, G.F. , RENAISSANCE MEDALS
from the Samuel H. Kress Collection at the National Gallery of Art:
Based on the Catalogue of Renaissance Medals in the Gustave Dreyfus
Collection. By G.F. Hill, Revised and enlarged by Graham Pollard.
Published by the Phaidon Press for the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.
London 1967. Hill, G., Medals of the
Renaissance, Revised and enlarged by Graham Pollard, A Colonnade
Book. British Museum Publications, Ltd., l978. Hill, G.F., A Corpus of Italian
Medals of the Renaissance before Cellini. Florence, 1984. Attwood, P. Italian Medals
c.1530-1600 in British Public Collections. London, 2003. Two
volumes. Fabriczy, C. von, Italian Medals, Translated by Mrs. Gustavus W. Hamilton, London, 1904. Extremely important reference to medals of the Italian renaissance. It has been translated into English. This book has been made available by Google Books through the link provided.
Medailles de Tir Suisses. l612-1939. Lausanne, l972.
Grueber H. A.,
Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland to
the Death of George II, Vol. I and II. Spink and Son, Ltd., Eng.,
l969. A newer issue of this book, in oversized form, including illustrations and published in 1979, is available from Quarterman Publications, Inc, Lawrence, Massachusetts in association with British Museum Publications Ltd. Though not as fine as the original illustrations, the new versions of the plates are certainly adequate. The original illustrations were published between 1904 and 1911 by University Press, Oxford by Horace Hart. In total, they comprised 183 plates plus indexes. The plates were divided into 18 parts, each part consisting of 10 plates, in loose folio pages, and enclosed in hard cardboard. The 19th part contained the indexes. Brown, L. A. , British Historical Medals 1760-1960. Volume I: The Accession of George III to the Death of William IV. Seaby Publications Ltd. London, 1980. Brown, L. A. , British Historical Medals 1837-1901 Volume II: The Reign of Queen Victoria. B.A Seaby Ltd., 1987. Brown, L.A. , British Historical
Medals 1760-1960. Volume III: The Accession of Edward VII to 1960.
Spink & Son Ltd. 1995. Welch, Charles ,
Numismata Londinensis. Medals Struck by the Corporation of London to
Commemorate Important Municipal Events 1831-1893. London, l894. Wollaston, H., The Commemorative
Collectors Guide to British Official Medals for Coronations and
Jubilees. Published by the Commemorative Collectors Society,
Nottingham, U.K., 1978. Beaulah, G. K. , The
Medals of the Art Union of London, The British Numismatic Journal,
Vol XXXVI, 1967 Eimer, C. , British
Commemorative Medals and their values. Spink and Son Ltd., London,
2010. Fearon, D., Spink’s
Catalogue of British Commemorative Medals: 1558 to the present day with
valuations. Webb and Bower, Exeter, England 1984. FRANCE Jones, M., A Catalogue of the French Medals in the British Museum, Vol 1 1402-1610. British Museum Publications Ltd. 1982. Jones, M., A Catalogue of
the French Medals in the British Museum, Vol 2 1600-1672. British
Museum Publications Ltd. 1988. Hennin, M., Histoire
Numismatique de la Revolution Francaise., J. S. Merlin, Libraire,
Quai des Augustins, Paris, l826: reprinted by A.G. van der Dussen,
Maastricht. GERMANY Brockmann, G., Die Medaillen der Welfen: Band I, Linie Wolfenbuttel. Verlag Dr. G. Brockmann, Koln, 1985. Brockmann, G., Die Medaillen der
Welfen: Band2, Linie Luneburg/Hannover. Verlag Dr. G. Brockmann,
Koln, 1987.
Wielandt, F. and Zeitz, J., Die
Medaillen des Hauses Baden. G. Braun, Karlsruhe, l980. Trusted M., German Renaissance
Medals, A Catalogue of the Collection in the Victoria & Albert Museum,
Published by the Victoria & Albert Museum, 1990. MEXICO Grove, F.W., Medals of Mexico Vol. I Medals of the Spanish Kings, Frank W. Grove, Guadalajara, Mexico 1970. Grove, F.W., Medals of Mexico
Vol. II, 1821-1971,
Frank W. Grove, Guadalajara, Mexico 1972. THE NETHERLANDS Van Loon, Gerard, Histoire
métallique des XVII provinces des Pays-Bas depuis l’abdication de
Charles-Quint, jusqu’ B la paix de Bade en MDCCXVI. La Haye: P.
Gosse, J. Neaulme, P. De Hondt. Five volumes. The Hague, 1732-1737. RUSSIA Iversen, J., Medaillen
auf die Thaten Peter Des Grossen., St. Petersberg, l972. Spassky, I. and Shchukina, E.,
Medals and Coins of the Age of Peter the Great. Hermitage
Collection, Aurora Art Publishers, Leningrad 1974. SPAIN Herrera, A., Medallas de
Proclamaciones y Juras de los Reyes de Espana. Imprenta de M. G.
Herandez, Madrid, l882. U.S.A. Betts, C. Wyllys., American Colonial History. Illustrated by Contemporary Medals. Quarterman Publications, Inc., l972. The standard reference for early American medals. One of the few books that show a price guide, as of 1972. It has been made available by Google Books through the link provided. Jaeger, K. and Bowers, Q. David,
100 Greatest American Medals and Tokens, Whitman Publishing, LLC,
Atlanta, GA. 2007. Julian, R.W., Medals of
the United States Mint. The First Century 1792-1892. Token and Medal
Society, l977. Loubat, J. F., The
Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876.
Flayderman & Co., New Milford, Connecticut, 1967.
Musante, Neil, Medallic Washington: A Catalog of Struck, Cast and
Manufactured Coins, Tokens and Medals Issued in Commemoration of George
Washington 1777–1890; Two Volumes, 850 pp., Spink & Son Ltd,
London and Boston, 2016.
BOOKS DESCRIBING MEDALS BY INDIVIDUAL MEDALLISTS Dassier Eisler, W., The Dassiers of Geneva: 18th Century European Medalists, Volume 1, Jean Dassier, Medal Engraver: Geneva, Paris and London, 1700-1733. Association des amis du Cabinet des medailles du canton de Vaud, Palais de Rumine, CH-1005 Lausanne , et le Musee d’art et d’histoire, Geneve, 2002. Eisler, W., The Dassiers of Geneva: 18th
Century European Medalists, Volume 2, Dassier and Sons: An Artistic
Enterprise in Geneva, Switzerland and Europe, Association des amis
du Cabinet des medailles du canton de Vaud, Palais de Rumine, CH-1005
Lausanne , et le Musee d’art et d’histoire, Geneve, 2005. Dadler Wiecek, A., Sebastian Dadler., Medalier
Gdanski. XVII wieku, Danzig, l962. Goetz Kienast, G.W., The Medals of Karl Goetz, The
Artus Company, Cleveland, Ohio. 1967. Hedlinger Felder, Peter , Medaileur Johann Carl
Hedlinger. 1691-1771. Switzerland, l978. Wiener Van Hoydonck, Emiel , Jacques Wiener (1815-1899)-
Medailles Jetons, 1 ere Edition, l972.
BOOKS DESCRIBING MEDALS OF INDIVIDUALS Napoleon Bonaparte Zeitz, L. and Zeitz J., Napoleons Medaillen.
Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2003. Bramsen, L. , Médallier Napoléon Le Grand,
Paris-Copenhagen, 1904/13. D’Essling: Importante Collection de Monnaies et
Medailles, Appartenant au Prince d’Essling. June 1927. Napoleon III Page-Divo, F. and Divo, J-P., Medailles de
Napoleon III, Hess Divo AG, Zurich, 2001. Louis XIV Divo, J-P, Medailles de Louis XIV, Spink & Son
Numismatics SA Zurich 1982. La Medaille au temps de Louis XIV, Hotel de la
Monnaie de Paris, Acheve d’Imprimer sur les Presses de l’Imprimerie
Nationale, 1970. Martin Luther Whiting R.B., Collection Prof. Robert B. Whiting,
Coins and medals of Martin Luther and the Reformation. Spink/Bullowa
Auction, Zurich, 1983. George Washington Baker, W. S. , Medallic Portraits of Washington
with Historical and Critical Notes, Robert M. Lindsay, Philadelphia,
1885. Reprinted in 1965 by Krause Publications, Iola, Wisconsin.
GENERAL COLLECTIONS OF MEDALS Hall, V. , Catalogue of The Vernon Hall Collection
of European Medals, Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, 1978. Norris, A.S. and Weber, I., Medals and Plaquettes
from the Molinari Collection at Bowdoin College. l976. The Salton Collection: Renaissance and Baroque Medals
and Plaquettes. Bowdoin College Museum of Art. Brunswick, Maine,
l969. The Samuel H. Kress Collection at the National
Gallery of Art.
AUCTION CATALOGUES Although there are thousands of auction catalogues published by various auction houses, many of which are important, I have chosen just a few individual ones that I found to be particularly useful. Laugwitz & Co. October 1976. Spink Coin Auction, Number 8, 1980.
Sotheby & Co., May 27th 1974.
Sotheby’s European Historical Medals.
Baldwin’s Auctions, Number 35, October 2003.
Goppel, Dr. Plum and Holler , Munzen- und
Medaillensammlung., l960. Morton & Eden, May 20-21, 2003.
Presidential Coin and Antique Company: Offers a wide variety of high quality medals, most of which are from the United States of America. The most comprehensive auction of American medals and a must for collectors of medals listed in Betts and Julian. Stacks: John J. Ford, Jr. Collection of Coins, Medals and Currency. October, 2003 to present. Perhaps the most complete and important collection of United States Coins, Medals, Currency and Books (the latter in association with George Frederick Kolbe Fine Numismatic Books) ever offered for auction, from the John J. Ford, Jr. Collection. These auctions took place over several years in more that 20 parts, and still counting. The catalogues contain virtually every know type of medal related to U.S. history, including an extensive number of Betts medals and Indian Peace Medals. The catalogues are collectors’ items themselves. (Digitized) Spink/Bullowa Auction, Zurich, April 19-20,1983.
Other Auction Houses of Particular Note Auktionen Münzhandlung Sonntag (AMS): Mostly European medals (see Advertisement) Baldwin's: European medals with good selection from Great Britain (see Advertisement) Bank Leu AG Zurich Bob Moffatt: Coins, tokens and medals, mostly American Cayon Subastas Coin Galleries Dix Noonan Webb: Mainly British (see Advertisement) Dmitry Markov: Specializes in Russian material Early American Auctions: Mostly American material Gorny & Mosch: European medals (see Advertisement) Heritage Auctions Hess-Divo AG: Mostly European Ira and Larry Goldberg: Periodic listing of medals Künker: Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG: One of the largest auction houses of silver and bronze medals, offering several auctions per year, mostly European (see Advertisement) Lanz München Morton & Eden: European, many British. Münzen & Medaillen GmbH: Offers mostly European medals Peus: Dr. Busso Peus Nachf., European medals Presidential Coin and Antique Company: Finest and most comprehensive selection of American tokens and medals (see Advertisement) Rosenblum ( William M. Rosenblum, LLC): Specializes in Jewish related material (see Advertisement) Schulman b.v., European medals, many from The Netherlands Spink: European, mainly British, commemorative medals St. James's Auctions: Mainly British Stack's and Bowers: Mainly US material Tkalec AG Tradart Wag (Westfalische Auctions): European material
Copyright © 2003-2023 Benjamin Weiss